The process of abstract submission is as follows
1. Download abstract template
2. Register and Log-in to the submission system at Register Register 3. Prepare the abstract strictly as the abstract template mentioned above 4. Select the related topic
5. Select the suitable option to publish your work
5.1. To publish in the conference proceeding
5.2 To publish in the academic journal (please select only one option)
Fast track : Please select the journal publisher indicated in the list
Normal track : The selected full paper will be considered by the journal publishers (No action required for the author)
6. Upload the abstract
7. Reference number will be created. Please keep the reference number for all future correspondence
If the author(s) would like to submit their paper(s) to the journal publisher, the authors(s) can consider these two options and select only one.
Normal track
The selected full paper will be considered by the journal publishers after the end of the conference
Research Publication
Research articles presented in this conference both in oral and poster presentations will be published in the conference proceeding and selected paper will be published in an international journal. Details are as follow;
Abstract : It will be published in the conference proceeding (hard copy version)
Full paper :
- All full papers will be published in the conference proceeding (Proceeding E-Document)
- Selected paper will be considered to publish in Mahasarakham International Journal of Engineering Technology (Format of the selected paper will be rearranged)